Day 1 & 2: Post-Knee Surgery

DAY 1 - ACL Surgery 
4:30am - alarm goes off.
5:10am - mom arrives, picking me up in all my sleepy and PJ glory... old, battered crutches in hand. I kiss my sleeping family goodbye and into the van I went.
5:45am - arrive at Kaiser Folsom and get checked in.

I'm a nervous wreck, but why? All I can think of is because of the "unknown" - that and the fact I strongly dislike hospitals! So sterile, smells funny, sick patients... and tons of scary beeping and blinking lights.

7:45am - got done speaking to 6 medical staffmates, all who were funny and amazing. That was a relief since I was near tears the entire time. I confirmed to receive an autograft (not a dead person, allograft) and then the "bartender" administers the good stuff into my IV. All I remember is mom holding my hand on my right, nurses at the foot of the bed and Dr. Jaki to my left. I finally felt relaxed... AND THEN... I came to... 3 hours later.

I was awake but my eyes were still closed. I remember being in excruciating pain and begging for help. That's when the bartender gave me a nerve block via my groin area. I open my eyes and start crying. I asked for my husband. I hear mom... then I hear Mr. Tony. *deep breath

What was to be a short surgery turned into a bit longer one. From my original MRI, we saw something with the MCL. Torn? But we thought nothing of it - apparently when he went in, it was a definite tear and so he fixed my MCL too. Double-whammy.

11:30am - Mr. Tony helps me get dressed and takes me home. We're greeted with my favorite flowers (Gerbera Daisies) and a note from my team. Such a beautiful and thoughtful surprise! Tony gets me situated - feeling sick and zombie-like, I sleep for the rest of the day.

Biggest boo-boo yet

DAY 2 (so far)
7am - Paiiinnn. So much pain. :/ My butt is sore from laying on my back for so long.
I move to make my way to the bathroom and felt almost everything! The nerve block is slowing fading away. My leg is heavy, I'm shaking... finally got myself onto the toilet but apparently not all the way. Jennie Jenn Jen made a bit of a mess. Sigh. Drugs, please.

9am - Breakfast in bed, coffee and got some loves and hugs from Ms. Abigail. Noah just wanted to run and stick his hand in our toilet. Ha. Boys are so gross. I read messages from friends, had some visitors, and threats from mom (because I got up twice without Tony around).

12pm - Leg is propped up and I have an ample amount of books, magazines, ...and starting back up with this blog. Lucky for me, I'm right next to a window that faces my backyard - rose bushes, trees... so much green and that's calming.

All that's missing? A big ol slice of extra chocolatey cake (and a tall, cold glass of milk)!

P.S. Mr. Tony will be home with me for the next week of recovery. He has been patient and amazing - I know caring for me, the babies/their schedules, and the home itself is not an easy feat; I anticipate seeing rough days. But already, thanks to your hugs, love, visits, and messages, we feel we have the best support! Friends and family instantly jumped in, helping out with playdates for Abbs and homemade dinners.

We can say "thank you" all day, even that would never reach the depth of gratitude we have for everyone and everything... thank you, thank you, thank you.

P.P.S. Drugs, please.
